Soil Ecology Workgroup News

Fieldwork and collaboration in Namibia

Taimeökoloogid välitöödel

Can soil eDNA be used in nationwide biodiversity monitoring? Namibia might just be the 1st country in the world to do that! Based on the approach published in a recent paper by Vasar et al. (2023, Frontiers in Plant Science 14), a piloting study was initiated in a dry tropical woodland, Zambezi region in Namibia. Fieldwork was carried out by Dr. Ezequiel Fabiano and BSc. Ellen Magano Natasha from University of Namibia and Prof. Martin Zobel, Dr. Inga Hiiesalu and bioinformatician Dr. Martti Vasar from University of Tartu.


Career conference „To new hights with a PhD degree!“

Seminar: Eleonora Beccari

Seminar: Eleonora Beccari

Seminar: Slendy Julieth Rodriguez Alarcon

Seminar: Slendy Julieth Rodriguez Alarcon